Wednesday, May 24, 2017

In Which She Attempts to Become a Blogger...

Here's the thing; I suck at blogging.  That's not like a, "Oh, sometimes I skip a day or two" type of sucking. No, we're talking about "Didn't I start a blog about 6 years ago? And how many times did I post? Oh, once." type of sucking. You see, I'm an idea person. Lots of ideas, lots of goals, lots of motivation for like...a day. If you ask my husband about my many unfinished projects, he'd probably laugh, then cry, and then erupt in a fit of rage. Sorry, Babe. Actually, to be fair to him, he is supportive of my many creative outlets. He may even love me a little more for it. Maybe...

Back to the blog. I am going to start blogging again. I am! Really! The other day, I was sitting around thinking of all the little things about Norah and her childhood that I don't want to forget.  Sure, there are pictures on Facebook to look through but I want more than that. I want to remember that one day she randomly said "en garde!" and started to play sword fight with a drumstick. We still have zero clue where she learned that. Maybe she'll be an Olympic fencer. Probably not. I want to remember how when she wakes up in the middle of the night, she will yell, "Mom!!!! Where are you?!" until I go get her and bring her into our bed. I want to remember that she loves to pretend to be a dog and lick our faces! I want to remember it all! I know these moments are both precious and fleeting. I feel like I blinked and my baby is two years old. She's more a kid than a baby now. It's time to start documenting these special days! Wish me luck!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Well I finally started a blog for our family.

I spend so much time stalking other people's blogs that I thought it was time that I returned the favor.

A little background about us:
-We were married on August 21st, 2009 so we have not been newly wed's by BYU standards for about a year. I am now officially an old married lady.
-We are both students at BYU. I am studying Elementary Education (which I adore!) and Darren is going to graduate in April with a degree in psychology. Then it's off to grad school...somewhere?
-I recently ran a half marathon. It was a huge accomplishment for me both physically and mentally. I'll have to post some pictures of that an elaborate on that in a later post.
-Darren has recently been accepted to present some research he has been a part of in a conference next year. We are very excited about that opportunity!
-The name of our blog is sort of an inside joke with us. Neither of us can ever give someone our names without them wanting to know how to spell them. Anymore we merely answer the question before it's asked "that's Hansen...with an en." Why is something so simple so darn hard to spell. I have always had a difficult first name to spell (Kaitlin). Do you know how many ways there are to spell that? Oh my lands... I had a very easy to spell maiden name so it used to be that I only had to spell one and not the other. What was I thinking when I married Darren? :)